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Contract Collaboration With Your Electronic Signature And DocuSign

The world is not operating in the way that it used to do anymore, and neither is business. Everything nowadays is running at an incredible pace. We are constantly on the move, and in addition to that, the remote working trend has significantly become popular after the COVID crisis. You are always expected to be present, efficient, and most importantly, connected. Thus, keeping up with work not only in an office setting, but also outside of that can be considerably hard. However, there is an answer lying in a very simple but powerful tool, that helps to facilitate your work and life remarkably, called DocuSign.

Image credit: DocuSign, San Francisco

DocuSign is an eSignature solution trusted and used widely in the world by more than a billion users, who are not only individuals and companies, but also governments. The company was established in 2003 and twenty years later, it is now recognized as “the world's #1 way to sign electronically on practically any device, from almost anywhere, at any time”. DocuSign was designed with one ultimate goal in mind, that is to simplify life for everyone by eliminating the paper, automating the process, and connecting it to over 350 pre-built integrations that businesses are already using.

DocuSign provides broad solutions for different industries from Accounting and Tax, Communications and Media, to Insurance,… with particular departments such as Product Management, Sales, Marketing and plenty more. Everything concerned agreements and contracts now are digitally transformed and handled. The job is undoubtedly done faster at a lower cost, while carrying less risk and bringing agreeable experiences for both customers and employees.

An eSignature solution is essential for any modern business and takes contract collaboration to a new level for every stage of the lifecycle

The way it function is extremely simple and user-friendly. All you need is a connected device to access to the application, from where you can send out your document to desired recipients. Additionally, you can customize extra fields on your document besides the signature, for example date and location or phone number. The recipients will get an alert email to sign at the same instant. When it is done, the document will be stored automatically and safely. You can then access it from anywhere at anytime.

Image credit: DocuSign, San Francisco

On top of the features mentioned above, DocuSign offers you the premium ones, which allow you to see where signers are stuck and use behavioral data to optimize their experience with Signing Insights, or digitally verify a signer’s passport, driver license, or eID through ID Verification. The DocuSign Cloud APIs enables you to accelerate your business. Find out more here what they have for you. And do not forget to consult their Market Knowledge space to maximize your utility from their agreement cloud.

Image credit: DocuSign, San Francisco

What I personally like about using DocuSign is the positive environmental impacts that we can make with them. The individual action can be little but together, we are able to deliver changes. The community of DocuSign has saved billions sheets of paper, millions trees and billions gallons of water. The company also has inspirational and admirable CSR programs (Corporate Social Responsibility), where we see how they take great care of their talents and give back what they receive.

I am looking very much forward to your thoughts and personal experiences with DocuSign.

Best regards,




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