I Am Excited: I Work On a New Book
Updated: Jul 3, 2022
The new normal in B2B sales has arrived. Now it is all about sales and marketing organizations reinventing themselves with a clearer goal in mind and future-proofing their sales. That way, they can serve their customers wants and needs efficiently and sustainably.
The world is not the same anymore and it will never be the same again. The way we live has changed and the global COVID measures have become a catalyst for the transition to a predominantly digital world. This change has created major problems for some companies, while others seem to have already adapted to the new realities.
Traditional B2B sales is also affected by these transformations and having personally spent the better part of the last thirty years in sales, this is a topic of burning interest to me.
At the beginning of my career, I went through the old school of sales as well as various sales tactics and then constantly learned about modern technologies and tools that push the boundaries of sales execution. Please keep in mind: sales is a constant challenge, where the goal is to outperform the competition and meet ever-changing sales targets. Standing still is not an option!
In my new book, I want to write about these changes and shifts and highlight how cyber-branding, digital marketing, artificial intelligence, and hyperautomation are increasingly shaping B2B sales as well as the new leadership demands we face. With my new book, I want to be part of our changing world and not only shape it but encourage others to do so as well.
As in my last book «Lessons Learned - Tips and Ideas for the Startup Scene Switzerland», selected interview partners, such as Marc Strolz, Senior Vice President Digital Sales & Marketing at Kühne+Nagel or Daniel Nilsson, CEO of Gothenburg-based Up Strategy Lab and Co-Founder of MuchSkills, share their insights and findings and show how successful sales can be achieved in a digital world.
It is planned that the book will be published in late fall 2022.
And one more thing: Are you also interested in contributing and sharing your experiences and ideas in this book on "B2B Sales - The New Normal"? There are also some sponsorship opportunities in this context to promote a company's visibility in the B2B Sales community?
If so, let‘s have a conversation and let’s chat about how we can make this happen.
I hope you found this useful.
Best, Roland
PS. Here you can find a download link for the preliminary and non-binding storyline of the book.